Friday, March 2, 2012

Plan, plan, plan

     My writing program usually runs in two week intervals.  In the two weeks the students plan, write, revise, and create a final draft.  The students usually complete four sentences on topic.  Of course, students ability can determine the amount of work completed..  I feel it is more important a student understand how to effectively write a sentence than write lots of incorrect sentences.  Remember, this is a structured writing time. Students should have ample opportunity throughout these two weeks to write for fun and enjoyment at other times.  Journals, note writing, and surveys are all fun ways to incorporate writing at other times.
     I believe the first first thing to do when writing is activate students prior knowledge.  I typically read one or two books to begin.  I also have many books in the reading center on that weeks topic.  The students know they can go to the reading center to use the books as resource as well.  Researching on the internet is also a fun way to learn about the topic, especially when we are completing expository writing.
     In addition to reading and researching topics, the students will draw a picture about the topic.  It is important the students label their drawings as well.  The students can use the 'Topic Board' (a future blog about this!)  or books to help with labels.  I also help the children learn how to use dictionary to label objects as well.  The students are expected to spell phonetically (sound by sound) unless they are using resources such as the Topic Board or a dictionary.  You can see on the example, this student knew how to spell her family member's name, but spell 'grass' and 'cloud' phonetically.  The planning stage is a vital part of writing.  Sometimes we will spend two days planning to write.  This is a great time for a teacher to have discussions with students about their interest and knowledge on a particular subject.  Take this time to learn about your students!

1 comment:

  1. Go Gracie! Mrs. K. loves your labels!!! I think Hello Kitty should have been in the picture too!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten
