Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Very Own Word Wall

One of the writing resources I teach my students to use is a word wall. I created a 'personal' word wall that each child could use at his/her desk.  We fill the word wall in together as we learn new sight words.  I also post the same words of the classroom word walls. The four pages of the personal word wall go onto a file folder.  The two word wall pages (I only have one of the pictured here) go on the inside and the 'My Very Own Word Wall' goes on the front.  The Common Core standards expect students to recognize and use high frequency words in their writing.  This personal word wall allows each child to do just that.
     On the back of the file folder I put the Alphabet chart.  This chart uses the pictures from our 'ABC' Book that we chant every morning.  "A apple /a/'  'B basketball /b/' etc.  This makes it easier for each child to independently utlize the sound chart on the back of the folder.  This is just one resource I teach my students to use.  Future posts will elaborate on other various resources my students have when writing.


  1. I like the layout of your personal word wall!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. I love this idea! Would you be willing to share this with me? It would be great for my kinder & 1st grade ELLs next year!
