Monday, March 5, 2012

Part of Planning

     When starting the two week process, we always begin with planning.  I believe we need to teach the children how to 'think'.  The first thing we do is talk about what we already know about the topic.    The topic we were discussing was Spring.  I have the students tell me in complete sentences what they know about Spring. (Always, always, always have students answer you in complete sentences!!!  This will only make sentence writing easier later.)  I  like to put the students name at the end of the sentence so the list can become a resource later.  A child may remember 'oh I said butterflies come out in Spring'  and then go check the list for his/her answer.  Of course any kind of graphic organizer could be used here, but kindergartners do not need 'bells and whistles', they need something easy to use.  Model writing as you go, thinking and talking as you write.  Who knew so many skills can be taught in something as simple as a list?!  You can also have an interactive writing session when making the list.  This is only the beginning of the planning process!

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