Friday, August 10, 2012


   I thought I would add a little Owl bling to my desk and decided to create an easily printable 4x6 Owl picture.  Right click, copy the picture, paste into word and print!  Be sure the dimensions are 4x6 before you print (or bigger if you wish).  I found a super cute light green frame at Hobby Lobby and have it on my desk. I love it and hope you do too!!

Books, books, books

     Wow, this has been a CRAZY summer!  Hopefully as the year gets into swing, I will post more :-)  As I was setting up my classroom this afternoon, I quick snapped a picture of my new bookshelf.  I am one happy teacher!  I have the bins at the bottom for leveled books to use during 'Read to Self' time during The Daily Five and thematic books at the top.  My classroom is an Owl theme this year and I have made lots of things to go with the theme! (Including a structure made of PVC pipes that will fit over the bookshelf called 'The Treehouse'. It will hopefully be done soon and I will be sure to show the final product!!)
     Things to come in the blog:
     *Working with the 'Daily Five' (by the Two Sisters...I have no affiliation with the program, just a kindergarten teacher trying to implement this year)
     *More writing program
     *My classroom set-up
     *OWL folders (Our Work for Learning), take-home folders
     *Progressive discipline system 
So as the year progresses, hopefully you will stay tuned, ask questions, and help along the way as we all become 'Prima Kindergarten' teachers.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sight Words

Last Friday I had shoulder surgery and needless to say, I have been confined to my room/recliner for the last week.  I have had time to create some worksheets and such that I have been wanting to make for a long time!  Thanks goodness for laptops!  One of the ideas I saw on TPT was a Magnify Sight Word worksheet.  You know students love to use tools!  This worksheet lets students use a magnifying glass to find the sight words and then list the sight words on the right.  I created 13 lists with over 100 sight words.  I am excited to get back and test it out on my students.  Hopefully they will love it as much as I do!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The ABC Book

Here's a quick look at the color version of the 'ABC' Book,  I have found by reading this every morning at calendar, students begin to utilize the chart independently.  Each sound also has a 'hand sign'.  (i.e.  For 'A' we say /a/ with our hands in the air as if we were scared.  For 'B' we 'bounce' a basketball and say /b/ /b/)  These are all tools and resources my students use while writing (and of course reading!)

Calling All Parents...

I believe writing in kindergarten is very challenging.  Students are not only learning new vocabulary and sight words everyday, but are learning 'how' to write a sentence.  I also believe in a strong home/school connection.  By sending home 'Tips for Writing Success' families have a better understanding of the writing expectations in kindergarten.  Families are our number one partner in children's educational success.  I feel making the home/school connections is vital to every students' success. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Very Own Word Wall

One of the writing resources I teach my students to use is a word wall. I created a 'personal' word wall that each child could use at his/her desk.  We fill the word wall in together as we learn new sight words.  I also post the same words of the classroom word walls. The four pages of the personal word wall go onto a file folder.  The two word wall pages (I only have one of the pictured here) go on the inside and the 'My Very Own Word Wall' goes on the front.  The Common Core standards expect students to recognize and use high frequency words in their writing.  This personal word wall allows each child to do just that.
     On the back of the file folder I put the Alphabet chart.  This chart uses the pictures from our 'ABC' Book that we chant every morning.  "A apple /a/'  'B basketball /b/' etc.  This makes it easier for each child to independently utlize the sound chart on the back of the folder.  This is just one resource I teach my students to use.  Future posts will elaborate on other various resources my students have when writing.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Part of Planning

     When starting the two week process, we always begin with planning.  I believe we need to teach the children how to 'think'.  The first thing we do is talk about what we already know about the topic.    The topic we were discussing was Spring.  I have the students tell me in complete sentences what they know about Spring. (Always, always, always have students answer you in complete sentences!!!  This will only make sentence writing easier later.)  I  like to put the students name at the end of the sentence so the list can become a resource later.  A child may remember 'oh I said butterflies come out in Spring'  and then go check the list for his/her answer.  Of course any kind of graphic organizer could be used here, but kindergartners do not need 'bells and whistles', they need something easy to use.  Model writing as you go, thinking and talking as you write.  Who knew so many skills can be taught in something as simple as a list?!  You can also have an interactive writing session when making the list.  This is only the beginning of the planning process!