Friday, August 10, 2012


   I thought I would add a little Owl bling to my desk and decided to create an easily printable 4x6 Owl picture.  Right click, copy the picture, paste into word and print!  Be sure the dimensions are 4x6 before you print (or bigger if you wish).  I found a super cute light green frame at Hobby Lobby and have it on my desk. I love it and hope you do too!!

Books, books, books

     Wow, this has been a CRAZY summer!  Hopefully as the year gets into swing, I will post more :-)  As I was setting up my classroom this afternoon, I quick snapped a picture of my new bookshelf.  I am one happy teacher!  I have the bins at the bottom for leveled books to use during 'Read to Self' time during The Daily Five and thematic books at the top.  My classroom is an Owl theme this year and I have made lots of things to go with the theme! (Including a structure made of PVC pipes that will fit over the bookshelf called 'The Treehouse'. It will hopefully be done soon and I will be sure to show the final product!!)
     Things to come in the blog:
     *Working with the 'Daily Five' (by the Two Sisters...I have no affiliation with the program, just a kindergarten teacher trying to implement this year)
     *More writing program
     *My classroom set-up
     *OWL folders (Our Work for Learning), take-home folders
     *Progressive discipline system 
So as the year progresses, hopefully you will stay tuned, ask questions, and help along the way as we all become 'Prima Kindergarten' teachers.